15 Ideas to be a Happier Stay at home Mom


Over the time that I have been a Full-time stay at home mom. I have come to some realizations. Some of those things not being so fun to face or even deal with. However, there are still many things that are positive and endearing about being a stay at home mom. I just had to learn how to work through the changes that I had never had because I am a First-time mom. Then again I believe we are always learning. I hear that even after the first one, you still end up learning a million new things because of how different each kid really is. Maybe down the road ill know what that’s like.

So, here I wanted to share some things that I found have been helpful for me to be happier through my long, trying, but blessed days as a stay at home mom. Some of these things may or may not work for you. Heck! maybe not a single one will help you feel better at all. But, I truly believe that this list can benefit. even if its just one mom, and you choose one tip from my list. it is worth it!

Here is the List of my 15 ideas to being a Happier Stay at home Mom:

1. Daily Affirmations– Okay, we all know that every single day as humans we struggle keeping up with life. It is just the way it is. So much to do in so little time, right? Wrong. I believe there is ALWAYS time to look in the mirror for 15 seconds and tell yourself something positive about YOU. One sentence, or two. Repeat. Repeat. Tell yourself you are a Superhero and your gonna kick today’s butt. That nothing is gonna get you down! Go ahead. Do it.

2.Read, Watch or Listen to something that makes you laugh– This is so important folks. Being sure we laugh on a day to day is medicine for our souls. I don’t feel like you should even question this one. Just be sure to take 30 seconds in your day and find something funny.
3.Get outside– So we all know about the Vitamin D theory. Which is absolutely true and I believe to be very necessary. However, I think it is the fresh air that is the real secret. If you don’t believe me. Do this task: Go outside for 15 minutes every single day. Sit, walk, run, or just go play with your child. Do that for 30 days straight. Get back to me and let me know how you feel.
4.Dress in something you Love– You need to be sure you are wearing at least one piece of clothing you love. No, I don’t mean do this every single day. I know that is just not realistic. Ha Ha! But this is a great tip when you are feeling off or down any day of the week. Put something you love on and be sure to tell your self just how good you look in it! Go, girl!
5.Eat-Well I know I am completely guilty of not doing this. But we all know this is vital for being a Mom that is home all day. It is easy to reach for the goldfish or the graham cracker that is half eaten. When you run around chasing a child all day you find yourself guilty of eating a lot of random items. However, what I mean by EAT is, eat real food. Nutrition. Food that is substance and will give sustainable energy. Yes, I am talking about fruits and veggies. The stuff I know takes time to prep and clean. But I assure you that you’ll feel better in a week after being consistent and nice to your body.
6.Stay Hydrated– Being hydrated means being energized. It also means your going to make a million bathroom trips. But, at least you’ll be hydrated and able to maintain energy levels. Oh, and your skin stays much clearer! Bonus!
7.Caffeine– Okay so this might counteract the clear skin. But I am only human. Which is why I need caffeine. I believe only robot parents do not need it. If you are a one of those, stay away from me you freak me out. So be sure you take the time to enjoy that cup of coffee, moms.
8.Make a daily chore list– Maintaining a household is a lot of work. But I promise you that you’ll have anxiety if the house is in disarray. ( If you don’t already) Look, I know the house gets messy. But if we maintain the actual cleaning (I’m not talking about the toys scattered aimlessly around the house) it will help shorten Sundays cleaning list. The toys are going to be there for years. What is important is not to leave the stains on the walls and the goo on the floors. Not just because its gross. But because…well yeah, basically just because its gross. Ha
9.Clean Bedding– I swear to this. At night after a long and trying day. There is something magical about clean and fresh sheets.
10.Lipstick! So this is something you might laugh at and I understand if you do. You don’t know what you don’t know. Ha Ha. But no joke as a stay at home mom I can sometimes not feel so fancy. But that right shade on my lips if I feel a mess. It helps me grasp some confidence for my day. That alone makes lipstick a priority in my life.
11.Open windows and let the light in. Even crack the window and let in some fresh air! Because sometimes this is the closest to outside we can get as a SAHM.
12.Buy yourself some flowers– Because fresh flowers can always make anyone smile. It has a sense of brightening your day. Don’t wait around for someone to do it for you. Seek the enlightenment and place it in your environment all on your own. You will feel good you did.
13.Make a list of all the things you are Thankful for– This is PROVEN to make ANYONE happier!
14.Music!! – This is an absolute must. I believe everyone should have this time carved out in each day. As well as making it a priority for even 5-10 minutes of music time. Not just driving in your car listening. I mean actually listening and only listening too the music. It has a sense of healing behind it. No matter the situation or feeling.
15.Smile– Our actions become our habits and our habits become our reality. You can absolutely train yourself to be happy.
Plus it feels good when you walk around smiling, sharing that joy with others will naturally make you feel good.


I hope that these ideas can help lead your day to day to a Happier Stay at home Mom. If you have any Secrets or tips that you have. Id love for you to share.


Published by

Ashley Roberts

Website developer and Email Marketer

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